Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So much improvement

Each Monday in preschool, Matthew does a book for a letter in the alphabet. He was so excited to complete "z," knowing that meant he was ever so close to kindergarten. Throughout the alphabet it has been a delight to watch his writing improve. I am so proud of him and know that his confidence will be to his advantage this September, when he starts at Binsmead Elementary.


Kim said...

This IS exciting. Here in Canada, kids go to junior kindergarten instead of preschool. I think it's great that he's so proud of himself. It's so important! Great idea for a post.

BTW, congratulations on your award from Kelly, you definitely deserve it. I appreciate all of your nice comments when you stop by my blog!

Anonymous said...

yeah for matthew!!! he is improving..... alot. im so proud of him. give him lots of hugs and kisses for all his hard work. such a smart young man. love you all

jenni mo said...

that anonymous comment is from me. ooooooops. :-)

Gramma Mo said...

It's such a joy watching Matthew's writing skills improve. I remember Thanksgiving when he wrote everyone's name as we told him the letters. He was concentrating sooo hard. I'm so proud if his improvement!!! Smartness must run in the family..he deserves a "Terrific Kid Award"! luv him x 8 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3