Friday, April 10, 2009

get the camera

Carlos was outside with the kids while I prepared dinner. He came to the kitchen window and yelled, "Babe, get the camera." Naturally, I thought one of the kids was doing something cute so without questioning I grabbed the camera and ran outside. He was standing near the curb in front of our house pointing to a twenty dollar bill laying on the ground. "You can put this on your blog, " he said. Ah yes, I have brought him to the dark side. :)

Wishing you find a homeless $20 this weekend too!


Kim said...

What a funny thing for Carlos to say. Love it. My husband is always thinking about the blog now too. He even started his own. It's called the Cook's table on my blog list.

Momma Mo said...

Lucky you guys! The person who lost it...bumbed. I usually spend found money (even tho it doesn't happen often) on fast food that I wouldn't spend my own money on! What are you going to do with yours? love x 8

Nadine said...

Guys crack me up! That sounds like somthing Matt would do too!