Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its a step in the right direction

Whenever Carlos refers to the kids as mine, "come see what YOUR daughter is doing," I know something's up. Yes, Talya climbed into the toilet. Look at how delighted she is with herself! When I pulled her out and removed her soaking pants and socks, I realized that she pooped in her diaper. It's a step.... :)


Marianne P. said...

How much do I LOVE these kids. Talya is really the most beautiful girl. I love the blog. Sara, keep up the good work.

Kim said...

Oh you poor mom! I can't believe you got a double whammy - toilet and poop. Deaglan loves the bathroom too. I try to always remember to close the door because the first place he goes for is the toilet.

thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog!

jenni mo said...

GO TALYA!!! that is too darn cute. and that smile..... oh that smile. priceless!!!! can't wait to see ya!!! love you all very much

Nadine said...

Look at how proud she is!!!! Too funny!

Momma Mo said...

First the frig, now the toilet! What will be next?!! Can't take your eyes off her for a second! I love that proud little face! Soooo CUTE!!!! Can't wait to see to see you guys. love x 8

Momma Mo said...

Looking closer at the picture....Did she get a haircut? It's cute!