Sunday, February 22, 2009

'round, 'round, get around, i get around

Talya's world has opened up now that she is walking. Apparently Carlos and I have consistently expressed how excited we are that she has conquered walking because she frequently stops and claps for herself, looking around with the expression, "Did you guys see that!?!"


Erin Leigh said...

way to go talya! Seriously... she could be a hair model... it's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

mom and i watched the video last night a couple times!! she is getting so big and doing such a great job walking. i was just there but it seems like she has grown a ton since i saw her last. and her hair is soo cute!!! can't help but smile everytime i see her!! love you all very much!!!

Anonymous said...

mo you are too dang funny ! i love your wry comments ;)

Also talya seems to be getting that whole walking thing down pretty good!