Saturday, February 14, 2009

Matthew's BFF, Aden

Matthew found an instant friend at preschool named Aden. His teacher said that they were friends the minute class started. Their most recent play date was at SkateWorld, Matthew's first time roller skating. The setting was perfect as it was "toddler skate" so everyone there was five years old and under. Plus they had a mini-lesson, games, and prizes. 

Notice in the second and third photo that Matthew is crossing his fingers. I think that he's hoping he doesn't fall. 

Next, Matthew wants to have a sleep-over at Adens. I am more nervous about it than he is, I think. He is growing up so fast. Sleep-overs, a BFF, the roller skating rink.... I'm not sure I'm ready for all this! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's having such a great time with his BFF! How many times did he fall? P.S. Mom's are never ready for their kids to grow up, even when they're grown up! Love you x 8