Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meagan's Birthday Present

I have been chomping at the bit, wanting to share the birthday present I made for Meagan. I didn't want to post anything about it until I heard from her that she received it. Well... still no word and I just can't wait any longer Megs. 

This was my first mixed-media painting ever and I am so happy with how it came out. What fun it was to rummage through old ephemera to find background material to collage with. The photo is from a school dance (as if you can't tell), there is a postcard that Meg sent to my dad in 1995, and a page from my 7th grade journal for Mrs. Norton's class that talks about Chris G. and I sending Meagan balloons for her birthday. The bottom of the journal page says "Happy Birthday Meagan" How perfect is that!?!

I am hoping that this piece leads me to more mixed-media painting because it was so much fun.

You can find the detailed post here, on my art blog.


Erin Leigh said...

You are so so so talented. Happy late birthday megs! love you both and thanks for the prayers!

Holly Sharp said...

This looks so great! I am so happy for you that you are creating great art. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the present Sara! You are so talented, and I enjoyed reading the paper you did about our snow adventure! I remember that night to a T...oh those days...I miss em! I will cherish that birthday present forever...thank you for such a sweet, thoughtful, personalized gift! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Mo, you are too dang much! that is a really cool gift. i didn't even know you were an artist. very nice...

so do you work?? i don't see how you get all that stuff done while haveing 2 small children.
