Saturday, September 19, 2009

sissy. a list.


  1. Loves trying new words. She mimics everything Carlos, Matthew, or I say. Sometimes it is understandable. Other times, not so much. But I love that she tries.
  2. Is a great dancer. She hears a beat and immediately goes to the living room to do her bob-and-turn dancing. It's adorable.
  3. Cries every night before bed. Its the way she winds down. I would be worried if she fell asleep any other way.
  4. Has just started wearing 2T clothing. I call her my "2T guppy."
  5. Has a starfish shaped belly button. She loves grabbing peoples fingers and rubbing them on her starfish.
  6. Is very independent and doesn't like toys. She would much rather putter around the house, investigating and playing with household things like paperwork, jewelry, and toothbrushes.
  7. Randomly sings the "Bob, the Builder" theme song. Her favorite part is "yes we can."
  8. Does not like people who violate her personal space. Matthew is the biggest culprit. She responds with violence.
  9. Is a really happy girl. I am so lucky that both of my kids are the happy kind. Natalya has high entertainment value.
  10. Loves telling Matthew to watch out. She says it so clearly. And then laughs.


Holly Sharp said...

5 and 10 are my favorites! What a fun age she is!

Momma Mo said...

I'm SO GLAD you're back to posting these beautiful pics and stories! Love the list! Can't wait to see her dance and tell Matthew to "watch out". Talya's growing so fast! And Matthew too...looks like he did enjoy that snow-cone! Love them both sooooo much and miss you all.

jenni mo said...

oh how i love her. perfect in every way!!! and i cant wait to come down there so i can here her sweet sweet voice and give her a million hugs and kisses. and im gonna grab matthew and tell him how proud i am and give him a million hugs and kisses too.....wether he wants them or not. i love you all very much.