Tuesday, September 29, 2009

health and heart.

I have had the most unpleasant cold for the past week so I haven't been taking many pictures. My days are filled with hot tea, Airbourne, spending all day in my pj's, and rest, rest, resting. Thankfully, I have an awesome man. Carlos has been taking care of the kids, cooking, and generally picking up my slack while I try to recover.

So since I don't have any new photos of my babies, I thought I'd share a heart-shaped leaf that I found at my mom's house during my most recent visit.

Send me get well mojo.


Momma Mo said...

Get better soon, my baby girl. That heart is sending get well mojo from my house to yours. Mom's advice: spray everything you touch with Lysol!
Love you x 8 and more.

jenni mo said...

that is a pretty coll pic.!!!! i love fall... but only because of the color of the leaves. definately not the cold weather! i love you sis

Megs said...

what a perfect heart! I heart you!

Marianne P. said...

I love these pictures. The ones of Talya are precious and I love the updates on her progress. But then, of course, I love both these kids more than life itself.
Love, Mare
P.s. I love you and Car, too.