Monday, November 3, 2008

Check Out my Other Blog

A few weeks ago, I told you about a book that I am reading, "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. This book walks the reader through a specific process to enhance and "unblock" their creativity. I've been working with elements of the book for over two months now. A few weeks back, I started a Meetup at my home to work through the twelve-week process in a group. I was soooo nervous to get this going myself but am so glad that I did. I have meet great people and artists as a result and am so thankful to have support while engaging in this journey. 
So... as a way to document the process and have a way to communicate with the group in between meetups, I started a blog, Living the Artist's Way. I've been a bit reluctant to post the link. Thus far, working through the process has been tumultuous. I've experienced some low, lows and some high, highs. Documenting these emotions feels risky to me and that fear grows when I think of you, my friends and family, reading them. I fear that you'll think I'm crazy or manic depressive or something else completely horrible. I feel like I shouldn't share these feelings and emotions with the people I love because I don't anyone to worry. Somehow, it seems more permanent, when the journey is actually ever-changing. 
This morning, however, it occurred to me that I could be missing out on support and encouragement by not sharing these experiences with you all. And nothing feels better or is more reassuring that wishes for happiness and success from the people I love. 
I hope you'll check out the blog and comment to your hearts content. I am lucky to have you all in my life and I believe that with your support and understanding, this process will help me become a better, happier, and more fulfilled person. Thanks guys- I love you all.

1 comment:

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

I am really glad you started the group. It has been great. I just read my chapters and started my morning pages. Can't wait to see everyone on saturday!