Friday, July 11, 2008

6 Month Check-Up... A Little Late

At seven months and two weeks old, Natalya finally got her six month well-baby exam. Why the delay? Well because, the pediatrician that Matthew has been going to since we moved to Portland and was at Natalya's delivery and first well-baby appointments closed his office, giving less than a month's notice. I don't know if my irritation comes through in this post, so instead I will be blunt. I WAS SO ANNOYED! I think a good doctor/patient relationship is such a priority, so it just sucks that I am going to have to start all over with someone else. His office didn't even give an explanation for the closure- what's up with that!?! Come on....

Alright, I needed to get that off my chest. On the positive, I was very happy with the new pediatrician that we picked out and Talya's appointment went perfectly. Here are the stats:

Weight: 16lbs. 9oz.  40% percentile
Height:  24 1/2"        43% percentile

My little girl is getting so big! 

1 comment:

Hartshorns said...

She is so darling.

I keep meaning to do the A to Z thing... I will try to find a chance soon!

I hope you're well :)