Friday, January 23, 2009

story of a blue sweater, cherished

My mom is a "saver." I use the word "saver" purposefully, because to call her a pack rat or hoarder would be incorrect. She does however, and always has, saved important memorabilia and such for nostalgic reasons. I can't remember a time where I thought this habit of hers was silly or pointless. My personality, much like my mom's, values tradition and sentimentality of this sort, so I always knew that one day I'd be so grateful that she packed these things away for me, "for when you get older," she'd say.

Apparently I'm older now (shocking) and each time I visit my mom I receive a box of things that represent my childhood; clothing and shoes, artwork and school papers, pictures, all sorts of things. I love being able to share these things with my family, giving them a glimpse, a clearer picture, of who I was as a child. Matthew is beginning to understand that I was a kid once too, that I had best friends in preschool, and even fit into baby clothes once. (again, shocking!) 

There is something so special about seeing my little girl wearing the same clothes that I once wore. At her first birthday, Natalya donned a dress that my mom sewed for me and shoes that I once wore. In the pictures above, Natalya is wearing a sweater that my grandma knitted for me. So much love has been invested in these garments. Not only when they were made, but also in the fact that my mom saved them for so long, waiting and knowing that one day they would be passed on, worn, and loved again when I pack them away and save them for my children.


Hartshorns said...

That is so sweet. What a beautiful sweater (and a beautiful girl!)!

Erin Leigh said...

that sweater is super cute! natalya is getting so big and I LOVE her hair!

Anonymous said...

Whoo! Cute beyond words! I love our beautiful little "sissy" in that sweater!

Nadine said...

It is so fun seeing them in the clothing that we had as babies! That sweater is adorable! What a happy little girl! I have been thinking about you often as I work on "projects". I never considered all the things I do as creative, but now that I have that perspective, it seems to be more rewarding! Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

She is such a beautiful little girl...and so cute in that sweater! I love it!