Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas 2008

Each year Matthew gets to open one present on Christmas Eve Day - this year he (referring to Matthew, although Carlos really got it for himself) got Guitar Hero

Because of the Winter Storm, we were so worried that my family wouldn't be able to make it. Luckily they did to Talya's delight. That girl sure loves her Gramma!

Growing up one of my favorite Christmas traditions was reading The Night Before Christmas before bed. I passed the tradition on to my kids.

It looks as though Matthew and Natalya appreciate the yearly ritual as much as I did.

The Spread - OMG there were SOOO MANY presents. A Christmas Eve home with family gathered, traditions continued, tree lights on and presents delivered is magical.

Writing the Santa Letter. I have every Santa letter since Matthew was born, just as my mommy has all the Santa letters from my sister and I.

I love this photo of Carlos. Seldom do I capture an authentic smile from him.

Gramma Mo wincing after bonking Talya's head on the corner of the TV

Jenni Mo modeling the prayer shawl gifted by Grandma Sam
(she probably won't like this pic, but I love it)

I've been having a heck of a time getting the post together. The photos won't upload, the text is turning blue and underlining itself, the screen is scolling down for no reason. So I am going to post as is, and edit it later when I have more patience. So there's more to come....


Anonymous said...

i love all these pics.... and even though i look like a complete nerd, i like the one of me too!! i had a great christmas with my family and these pics show it!!!

Anonymous said...

mom says i cant play..... no way