Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mourning My Loss

I didn't want to tell anyone this but I joined Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago. I suppose I kept it a secret because I was afraid I wouldn't be successful and to avoid comments like "You don't need to lose weight" since it sure didn't feel like that to me. I've lost 9 pounds so far and would like to lose 8 more to reach my goal weight. Most days I am super excited about this- I'm trying out all kinds of new recipes and eating great food, and I feel like I am on the road to success. But here's the bummer- my FAVORITE pair of jeans don't fit anymore. You'd think this would be a happy thing but I'm actually quite sad about it. They were the pair of jeans that I put on when I felt like crap about myself and every time, without fail, they turned my day around and made me feel like a rock star. I love clothes that can do that for me. So I'm sad. And though this may be a strange post, I felt I owed it to my favorite jeans for one last tribute before I donate them to someone who, I hope, will get the same self-confidence boost when they wear them that I did. 


Erin Leigh said...

That rocks! I already can't wait to start losing baby weight. I haven't gained anything yet this pregnancy but I still have 6 pounds from last pregnancy to lose. My good friend does weight watchers so I might join her later! Way to go. You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Yay, thats good! Good luck on reaching your goal...I know you will!