Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lets Go Orioles

One of the things I love about our home is that it is walking distance from Matthew's school and the Mt. Tabor Little League field. This was the first year Matthew was able to play baseball due to age requirements and he loves it. He has been practicing with Carlos and I and sleeping with his gloves under his mattress.

His team, the Orioles, have won all their games and Matty has several hits, runs, and RBI's. It has been a joy to watch his interest in baseball develop. I can definitely see both Carlos' and my competitive spirits in Matthew.


jenni mo said...

OH YEAH THATS MY NEPHEW!!!!!! Being competetive must run in the family!!! i wish i could be there to see him play!!!!!!!! Go matty i love you

Gramma Mo said...

He looks like a pro...has the batting stance down pat! I love the way his mouth is when he's really trying hard. Go Matthew, hit it out of the park! Can't wait to see you for your 6TH birthday. Love you, Gramma Mo

Marianne P. said...

This blog gets better and better. It looks so good. I love the Matty baseball pics. He looks terrific and looks so much like Carlos did in his Little League uniform in Lyndhurst NJ.
The morning "music" with Talya is precious. She is as gorgeous as you and Carlos put together. You two sure make beautiful children and I am the proud Nana.
Much love,